Sunday, February 10, 2013

Learn how to Know the Difference between Real and Fake Diamonds

Diamonds, the shiny, colorless stones that makes the eyes of the beholder sparkle in awe. Since time immemorial, diamonds have been a girl's best friend. Or rather diamonds have always been the ultimate treasure to possess by mankind. People spend hundreds, thousands and even millions of dollars to own these priceless gemstones. If you have the money, you can buy the best of these sparkling diamonds. However, as it is rightly said, all that glitters is not gold, so is the case with diamonds. There are plenty of cheesy characters out there, who try to pass on fake diamonds as real ones. Thus, robbing one of their hard-earned money. Also, you will find many damsels, sporting huge chunks of these rocks on their fingers, claiming them to be real ones with a price tag you can't even imagine. If you are planning to buy a real diamond for yourself or a loved one, it is important that you learn the difference between real and fake diamonds. This will help you get the right stone for the price you pay.

How to Tell the Difference Between Real and Fake Diamonds

You may say you do not have a trained eye to make out the difference between real and fake diamonds. So, how do you know a fake or real diamond is placed opposite you? However, even if man creates the ultimate copy of a real diamond, there are a few characteristics no fake diamonds can match with the real ones. These characteristics help one compare real diamonds and fake diamonds. So, where do diamonds come from? As you know, diamonds are made of carbon that has been compressed beneath the earth's surface since hundreds of centuries. Real diamonds rate 'ten' on the Moh's scale, making them the hardest mineral found on earth. It can thus scratch glass, ruby, sapphire and even fake diamonds known as Cubic Zirconia (CZ). The Cubic Zirconia are made of glass that makes them sparkle and shine just like a real diamond. Therefore, one needs to understand the subtle differences related to real diamonds vs fake diamonds.

See Through Diamond
One of the best ways to compare real diamonds and fake diamonds is to see through them. You see a fake diamond is just like glass. In order to differentiate between the two, take a black pen and make two tiny dots on a white sheet of paper. Now, place a real diamond and a fake diamond over the dots. You will find, the real diamond breaks off the reflection of the dot. This makes it impossible for clear perception. However, the fake diamond is made of glass and you can see the dot clearly as it is. Thus, giving you a clear difference between real and fake diamonds. Another test is the newspaper test. If you go to a shop for purchasing a diamond, never look at the diamond over the jewelers white tray. Ask for a newspaper or printed piece of paper. Place the diamond over the print and see through it. If you can read the alphabets or designs printed on the paper through the diamond, it is a fake. Spotting vague black marks or spots through the diamond also proves the diamond is a fake. If your diamond is mounted, check the bottom. If you can see it the bottom while looking at it directly from the top, it is a fake diamond.

Reflection Says it All
When you have a look at the real diamond, you will be able to observe reflections that have shades of gray. A fake diamond or low quality diamond will give out rainbow or colorful reflections.

Foggy Affair
The best method to put the debate of real diamonds vs fake diamonds to rest, is by the fog test. All you need to do is bring the diamond close to your mouth and breathe over it. If you will find the stone remains foggy for about 2 to 4 seconds, the diamond is a sure shot fake. If it were a real diamond, it would have cleared off even before you had a look at it.

It's a Joint Issue
Many cheats tend to use a real diamond cap over a fake diamond bottom. In order to check this out, you need to throw your diamond into a glass of water. When you do this, you will be able to spot a joint, if any and understand you are being cheated.

All Round Affair
A real diamond will reflect light all from all sides. Whereas, a fake diamond will not. With this information in mind, how to tell if a diamond is real? You need to check your diamond from a side angle and look at the shine. If it's a real diamond, it will shine all around. A fake diamond will fail this test as it will appear dull on the sides.

Heat is All it Takes
A heat test is one of the simple and easy ways to compare real diamonds and synthetic diamonds. All you need to do is heat up your diamond for about 30 seconds or so. You will find the real diamond does not heat up or feel hot. This is because it disperses heat rapidly. A fake will however, become hot and you can make it out as a fake.

Scratch Me Not
How do you tell if a diamond is real? Simple, a real diamond is the hardest mineral on earth. Thus, it is very difficult to spot scratches and scuffing on them. If you own a fake diamond, you will find it is full of light scratches and scuffing. Just hold a magnifying glass against the diamond and see these light blemishes. If you spot them, you are holding a fake.

Sharp at the Corner
Again, as diamonds are very hard and can be easily sharpen at the edges. This makes the facets look very sharp on a real diamond. On a fake diamond, the facets will have a soft and rounded appearance as they cannot take on much of the cutting.

This is what you need to know to spot the difference between diamonds. If you are doubtful, just check these characteristics in the stone you are holding in your hand. Apart from the 4 C's of diamonds, these characteristics are a dead giveaway in case you have a doubt.

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